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How to clean your car when you have messy children

August 22, 2021

How to clean your car when you have messy children

Parents who have children will be familiar with the frustration of having their backs covered in food crumbs, mystery spills and toys. No matter how well you drive your car, it can quickly turn into a disaster. Road trips can be more challenging than regular city trips. These tips and tricks will help you keep your car clean, even when you're on long car rides with children.

No Food Rule

A messy back seat can be fixed quickly. This will help reduce food from getting stuck in the seat crevices and spills when driving. If you're only taking your children on short trips, this rule is simple to enforce. This rule may not be applicable to road trips. Limit the number of snacks that you take on road trips to simple foods.

Cupcake Liners For Cup Holders

Are you aware of all the cupcake liners that you have around but never use them? These liners can be extremely useful. To keep your cups holder clean, you can buy extra cupcake liners. This will help keep your cups holders clean, and it will make it easier to get rid of any food scraps. You can simply take out the cupcake liners and toss them.

Bath Rug as a Flooring Material

The most easily damaged car floor mats are those that have been dipped in food or drinks. If you have extra bath rugs, you can place them underneath the car's seats. This will protect your car's floors and make it easier for you to clean up food scraps. It can be easily taken out and placed on top of the trash can.

Behind the Seat Trash Bag and Seat Cover

A great way to keep trash out is to place a reusable bag between the front seats. It is easy to clean up and simple enough for children younger than 5 years old.

If you own a car with a light color, a behind-the-seat covering is a good investment. These covers can also be used to protect your car from damage caused by kicking or smudging.

These tips and tricks will help you keep your car clean even if you have messy kids!

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